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Official Opening Gracemere Men's Shed Stage1
The shed was offically opened on the 8th of February 2014 by Mrs Desley Rial, Chairperson Iwasaki Foundation Grants Committee, in attendance Mr Hugh Grant Chairperson Iwasaki Foundation.
Other Invited Guests
Graeme Curnow President QMSA. Margaret Strelow Rockhampton Regional Mayor.
Ellen Smith Councillor (Gracemere Division) Bob Pleash Ergon Representative.
Ken O'Dowd Federal Member for Flynn and Jessie Conway Stanwell Corporation Representative.
Shed Dedication Performed by Gordon Kerkham.
Certificates of Appreciation Recipients
Iwasaki Foundation, Arrow Energy, Ergon Energy, Rockhampton Building Approvals,
Stanwell Power Station, The Flinders Group, Capricorn Engineering Group,
Cheryl Smith, Depco Drilling, Jason Thomasson (Earthworks), Gracemere Hardware,
Cherith Weis, Queensland Shed Company and Gracemere Amcal Pharmacy.
Official opening Gracemere Men's Shed Inc. Stage 2. 22nd February 2019
Desley Rial addressing official guests, shed members, wives and partners prior to cutting the ribbon and declaring the new extension open. Desley expressed her amazement as to how much our shed has progressed in just five years. Back in February 2014 as chairperson of the Iwasaki Foundation Grants Committee Desley had the honour of opening our Gracemere Men's Shed Inc and we were also one of the first organisations to receive a grant from the Iwasaki Foundation. Just five years on and we were privileged to have Desley Rial open the extension to our building on the 22nd February 2019.
Above left is our new lunch/function room table with the new kitchen in the background and on the right looking to the back of the room is our office and wall mounted TV for presentations, training sessions and general TV if members just want to relax with a cup of coffee.
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