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About Gracemere Men's Shed

Men's Sheds like ours come under the AMSA and the QMSA banners, AMSA is the Australian Men's Shed Asociation head body and the QMSA is Queensland Men's Sheds Asociation state body.  These two organizations set out certain rules and regulations that all men's sheds have to abide by and in certain situations if we require advice or legal advice we ask the QMSA or the AMSA for help and guidance in these matters.
Men's Sheds are set up to be NON Political and NON Denominational units.
The shed was instigated late in 2011 and operated on a limited basis at a number of locations in Gracemere until land was made available at 101 Ian Besch Drive and the current shed was completed in October 2013.  Since then the members have worked to build up the numbers of men taking part in activities and striving to build up the equipment to operate as a self help, help others, socialize and community based projects.
Excellence and Professionalism
can be obtained by tradesmen from all backgrounds joining this organization to pass on their knowledge to other members and also pick up information about other trades as a two way street. We can all learn something new everyday.
Insured and Guaranteed

As a member of the Australian Men's Shed Association our shed must follow the guidelines as set and all members participating in the daily activities must sign in before taking part in any activity on the day.  Our shed has public liability as set out by Law.

Men over the age of 18 years join our shed for various reasons, some due to retirement, some due to ill health and others for the company.  Because of their working background some enjoy learning how to use all types of wood working tools and also how to use welders and a plasma cutter in our metal working section.  There is never any pressure placed on our members to do anything they are not comfortable with or to do any type of work in any given time.  We all work in a relaxed manner and enjoy a few yarns at our morning tea break each day that we are open.
At various times we have the general public bring in old items to be repaired or totally rebuilt in some cases.  These types of work give us a challenge and it can give the member who volunteers to do the work great satisfaction just knowing that they have done a good job and the customer is happy to have the item fixed or remade. 
The Gracemere Men's Shed is open to accepting new members anytime if you are male and over the age of 18 years.  If you would like information on the Men's Shed you can contact us via the web site or call into the shed during our operating hours and see first hand the way we operate and socialize with each other.  At the Gracemere Men's Shed you will be free to join into any project to do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.  Learning new skills or passing on knowledge to others can make one feel wanted and worthwhile at any age, we are never too old to acquire new skills so please come along and introduce yourself.

Gracemere Men's Shed Inc.
President    Jeffrey Bailey (aka Chris)        
Secretary    Kevin Dore 
Shed Phone 07 4839 7408
During office hours 8:00am to 11:30am Tues Thurs and Saturday
Shed Email
POBox 59 Gracemere 4702
Site Address 101 Ian Besch Drive Gracemere 

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